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If you didn't know, I'm a huge fan of Pokémon since my childhood and I love them as much as my LPS, actually. Since a year I'm a shiny hunter, it means that I'm collecting Shiny Pokémon. Maybe you don't know what's a shiny and you're totally allowed not to know them, so I'm gonna explain to you what does this term mean.


A shiny Pokémon is a very rare Pokémon which doesn't have the same color as the original one. For example, the Pokémon you have on this picture is a Umbreon but you can note that it's blue instead of yellow: it's normal, 'cause it's a shiny! :) On the five first generations you have 1/8192 to find a shiny but since the sixth generation you only have 1/4096 to find one, so you have more chance but these Pokémon are still rare.


There are some possibilities to find a shiny, it's named "Shiny Hunting", it means you must "hunt" the Pokémon like searching in the grass or in the water or more. This technic is the most regular, just meet a lot of Pokémon, and at the end a shiny will appear in front of you, you will see stars around it and don't forget to buy Pokéballs before hunting a shiny! Don't forget that you can totally meet like 15 Pokémon before finding a shiny but you can also wait for 20000 without findind one. Remember that you have to be very patient doing this.


SO! I hope you understand what's the shiny hunting now, there are a lot of other methods but I've just told you the main one and the more regular one.


Anyway, on this page I will post every shinies I have with some details of them and their catching story.


Shiny count : 11.




☾SHINY ★1 ➢ Salamence☽

• Pokémon: Salamence.

• Genre: Male ♂.

• Nature: Lonely.


• Catching level: 30.

• Place: Friend Safari.

• Random Encounters: 36.

• Date: July, 16th in 2014 at 15:30 at Nice.

• Version: Pokémon Y.

• Console: Nintendo 3DS Blue.


• Catching story: I was at my grandparents' on my bed with my sister, we were both in the friend safari on Pokémon Y for me, and she was on Pokémon X. I was still having a Nintendo 3DS no XL, that's only a detail but I still don't know how I was doing to play on a so small screen... Whatever, I was in a psy safari to hunt Abra and I told me I search for 1h30 and then I change. That was before I think about his attacks... He has teleport. I didn't want it to go away so I didn't take more risks and change safaris. So I went in an electrik safari but I found nothing in 1h30. That was my beginnings in the shiny hunting. I've searched in the available safaris and I've found a dragon one with Shelgon and Gabite. I had a preference for Shelgon but I didn't really care on which one I would find. So I started counting my encounters and then, only a few minutes after... My shiny Shelgon was there! I saw the stars and waw... it was beautiful. During this time my sister didn't find anything and she was upset because as habbit she's luckier than me! Normally she doesn't hunt shinies, she always find them by hazard, but she was there to accompany me. The catching part wasn't complicate, I didn't make a specific team for it because it was a low level and coudn't go away. But I didn't think about buy balls at the shop so I've catched it with an Ultra Ball. It was inside at the third.

                           I've decided to name it Firnen because I'm a big fan of "Inheritance" which is a series of four books by Christopher Paolini about dragons. In the last tome the last dragon egg hatches and the elf who owns it decides to name the dragon Firnen, a name in ancient language which is the language of elfs. In this book the dragon is green like Salamence (because my Shelgon evolued into a Salamence of course xD) and my Shelgon was a male so it was perfect. He's my very first shiny and I'm so proud of him! 






☾SHINY ★2 ➢ Mightyena☽

• Pokémon: Mightyena.

• Genre: Female ♀.

• Nature: Adamant.


• Catching level: 2.

• Place: Hoenn Route 101.

• Random Encounters: 1'786.

• Date: December, 29th in 2014 at 16h at Marseilles.

• Version: Pokémon Omega Ruby.

• Console: Nintendo 3DS XL Pokémon Collector Blue.


• Catching story: When I started hunting shiny Pokémon, I already wanted to hunt Poochyena that I really appreciate. So I've started hunting it very irregularily. I mean, I wasn't hunting everyday and when I was, it was for only 200 or 300 encounters a day which isn't a lot. In December, 29th, it was my Internet best friend's birthday and I told myself "C'mon today Poochyena, it's an important day!" and I've hunted for hours the afternoon at the same time as listening to music with my new alarm clock. I was in my bedroom. I was kinda quick, I did around 500 encounters the morning. I had hope, I didn't know why, but I knew it would come this day. I turned my alarm clock on another frequency because there weren't musics anymore and then, what I see from the corner of the eye? A beautiful yellow and black Poochyena! I've totally abandonned my alarm clock and ran seeing my sister in her bedroom but she had no reaction 'cause she was watching a video and didn't care about my beautiful find. So, I've ran in my bedroom to catch her, she was a female. She was only level 2 so it was a child's play to catch her! I used a Bis Ball. I don't usually use this ball but I found it was assorted to her color. I was so excited, my second shiny... I was so happy and she was a female as I wanted. When I found her, I saw how many encounters I did and I thought it was a lot but now I know more about shiny hunting I can say I'm pretty lucky.

                              About the nickname, I simply gave her the name of my Internet best friend, I mean Maudpetshopvideos on YouTube. I know her since 5 years now and I can't wait to see her in real life, it's like a dream! I think I will rename her Cookie because it's her second nickname and I think it matches better than Ginette but I'm still thinking about that, Ginette is a cuter name. xD I stay on the same route to find another Pokemon I really want. I'm also hunting on Platinum.






☾SHINY ★3 ➢ Wurmple☽

• Pokémon: Wurmple.

• Genre: Female ♀.

• Nature: Sassy.


• Catching level: 2.

• Place: Hoenn Route 101.

• Random Encounters: 4'289.

• Date: May, 14th in 2015 at 16:32 at Marseilles.

• Version: Pokémon Omega Ruby.

• Console: Nintendo 3DS XL Pokémon Collector Blue.


• Catching story: Waw! My first shiny of this year, 2015. And the one that matches the real beginning of my shiny hunter career. Yes, because when I've hunted my two first, I wasn't hunting regularily so I can't say I was one. Now, I will hunt a lot, because of her. Anyway, I've started hunting her when I was at my grandparents' watching a very shitty telereality emission. I was bored and I loved shiny Wurmple so I've decided to hunt it on the same route I've found my Poochyena. At hunting on this route, I also had the possibility to find a shiny Zigzagoon that I also really like but Wurmple was my principal research. I was kinda regular in hunting, around 100 or 200 encounters a day and I was everyday on my console, especially at night. One night, I was eating (still at my grandparents') and my aunt asked me why I was meeting Pokémon and running away from them the second after. I've decided to learn her the shiny hunting bases and she helped me meeting Pokémon, time fleets faster. She liked doing this but she doesn't have any Pokémon games and doesn't have time for that. Then, I came back home. Still nothing, but I knew one time I would be at home, I couldn't hunt as much as at my grandparents'. But instead of what I thought, I matched the 2'000 encounters in two days. My sister thought it was a lot but I knew that shiny hunting is very long and I had to be patient, especially with my legendary luck... Whatever, on Monday it was back to school and I didn't have time to hunt at night and on Tuesday. Since wednesday we have a little school break of four days and a half it's named "Ascension" in France. So I hunted all the time to find it and I also borrowed my mom's DSi to hunt Gastly on my Platinum version. So, I had the possibility to find a shiny quickly. I will explain my choice for Gostly one time I will find it, because it will have its own part on this page. I've hunted all the morning and then I've received the cable I needed to play on my aunt's Gamecube so I've played until 14:30. Then I've continued hunting. At 3pm, NewPrincy starts a live to hunt Zeckrom. To distray me, I've decided to watch this live and continue hunting on my two consoles. At 4pm, I'm telling myself I will hunt until 16:30 and then I will eat something. And then, at the last encounter I was still on NewPrincy's live and... I've heard the stars. I've turned my head to see my 3DS, I had a reaction time I coudn't believe it was there. I've flatten my hand on my mouth not to yell but I was so excited inside. I went in the bathroom to show to my sister and then I took a lot of picture of her and I catched her, it was simple and I catched her with a Heal Ball because it was assorted to her. At the beginning I wanted a boy but then it's a girl but she's still beautiful! I don't know if she will evolue or not. If she evolues into a Dustox I will keep her as a Wurplme because I'm not a big fan of this Pokémon. 

                               I would name her Natsu if she would be a male but she's a female so I've named her Foudrou, 'cause it's the name of my second internet best friend and her favorite color is purple! I will train her because I want her to reach the best level, level 100! 8D





☾SHINY ★4 ➢ Regice☽

• Pokémon: Regice.

• Genre: No.

• Nature: Modest.


• Catching level: 40.

• Place: Islet Cave.

• Soft Resets: 381.

• Date: May, 17th in 2015 at Marseilles.

• Version: Pokémon Omega Ruby.

• Console: Nintendo 3DS XL Pokémon Collector Blue.


• Catching story: Yay! My first ever shiny legendary Pokémon! So, everything has started some months ago, unfortunately I can't be more specific because I don't remember the exact date. I was watching on YouTube the different legendary Pokémon which were available on my Ruby Omega version. I had catched a lot already because before I didn't hunt so I don't have them shiny. So I saw that I could have the golem trio and then having their boss, Regigiggas. So, I went in the Stone Chamber of the Proclamation to open the caves of Regice, Registeel and Regirock, then I went at the Islet Cave to reset Regice which is my favorite golem. I did around 300 resets and I stopped hunting until december where I found my shiny Poochyena on my internet best friend's birthday. Then in May, 14th I found shiny Wurmple which signs the beginning of my shiny hunter career. Today, I woke up kinda early, like every morning I would say, and I decided to hunt on three consoles at the same time. I know I'm crazy! And I didn't want to continue Treecko's eggs, I will try on my Y version. Then, I remember of Regice that I had started months ago. I watched on my computer to see how many resets I did and I went again in the Islet Cave to reset it again. As I said before, I was hunting on three different consoles so I had my Rubis Omega version on my 3DS XL Pokémon, Platinum version on my DSi and then my Black 2 version on my DS Lite. I hadn't touched my Black 2 version for a while because I don't really like this, I went at the Pokémon league some days ago because I've remembered never finished it and I was pretty confused because my Pokémon didn't have a very good level sauf it was kinda complicated but I managed. Now I have to go in the Dragon Spiral Tower but I have to level up my Pokémon. Since I don't wanna do that now, I've decided to hunt on this version too. But you'll have more details when I will find the shiny Pokémon I'm talking about! So to get back on Regice, the reset was a bit slow because I was on three consoles and on my Platinum version I was in the Forest Manor and on my Black 2 I was in the Hiun Sewers so I couldn't use my bicycle and was obliged to press B in the same at walking to run and that was a bit complicated. I was listenening music on my TV, in my living room again because I spend my life in the living room. xD Whatever, I had sound on all of my consoles because I was very stressed about Regice; I had seen its sprite on Pokébip and I thought the normal and the shiny one were very similar and I was stressed about missing it. And after 81 resets (plus 300 that I did before), it was there. 381 resets were like nothing compared to what I've seen on different blogs! I was wrong because it's very very flash and different, you just can't miss it. I was very excited, I haven't thought I would find it before the two others. To catch it I didn't have a real team but I've done test on it before reseting it and I've started weakening it slowly with my Suicine who were using Ice Fang. It was increasing its defense but I didn't matter. Then I changed Pokémon and I used my Exeggutor to make it sleeping with Sleep Powder. When I did the test, I catched it in the first Dive Ball, and here it entered in the 4th but then, it's very good for a legendary one! 

                          For the nickname I wanted a Japanese name because I'm a big fan of Japan and mangas. So I've searched on a traductor, I've said "Ice" and the japanese word for ice is Koori and I really liked this nickname so yeah! Good luck for hunting everyone! :)





☾SHINY ★5 ➢ Spinda☽

• Pokémon: Spinda.

• Genre: Male ♂.

• Nature: Serious.


• Catching level: 17.

• Place: Hoenn Route 113.

• Random Encounters: 702.

• Date: July, 21th in 2015 at 0:00 at Nice.

• Version: Pokémon Omega Ruby.

• Console: Nintendo 3DS XL Pokémon Collector Blue.


• Catching story: So for this shiny Spinda it will be kinda short because it's not so fresh in my memor when I'm writing this catching story. I was at my grandparents' for the summer holidays, I had started this research on my birthdat, July, 19th. I was hunting especially at night in front of not so interesting emissions on TV, so I was talking on Skype too. I was on the Hoenn Route 113 and I was searching Sandshrew. But I was meeting a lot of Spinda and I didn't really care about finding a beautiful shiny Spinda. I was also on my Platinum version for Gastly but still nothing for the moment. And one day at night, I was talking with Phirrux on Skype in hunting. I did 700 encounters until the beginning of my research. Some minutes after it was 0:00 so, July, 21st and then what I see?! A beautiful shiny Spinda! At midnight! It's a male, my second since Firnen and I'm proud about that because I'm not a fan of the female, but it depends of the Pokémon of course. That's all for this very quick catching story and I'm sorry about that!

                               About the nickname, I named him Kiwi because of his color and in reference to Phirrux's cat. But I'm still thinking about changing his name into Midnight or something because it's a very special hour for me and I want to immortalize this moment! 





Catching Video:

☾SHINY ★6 ➢ Pumpkaboo☽

• Pokémon: Pumpkaboo.

• Genre: Female ♀.

• Nature: Rash.


• Catching level: 30.

• Place: Friend Safari.

• Random Encounters: 284.

• Date: April, 20th in 2016 at 13:58 at Marseilles.

• Version: Pokémon Y.

• Console: Nintendo 3DS XL Pokémon Collector Blue.


• Catching story: Okay. I've started hunting again more motivated as never. As you maybe noticed my last shiny was Spinda that I found in July so... it's been so long. Some months ago I had started a hunt in the Friend Safari on my Y version to hunt Pumpkaboo and Shuppet, I had encounted 208 Pokémon so I've decided to continue. I was running on Katell's blog on Skyrock for umpteenth but I will never be weary of her catching story. Reading all of these catching story was giving me hope and I was so motivated finding one soon, my encounters were growing quickly. I was in my bedroom, it was very dark even if it wasn't at night but I like it, and I was absorbed by Katell's blog. I was also talking on Messenger with my best friend and the cleaning woman was at home so I needed to spend my time 'cause I couldn't do other things. And then, I hear a sound like stars brighting but I don't have a reaction directly, I had to watch my console to see this amazing purple shiny Pumpkaboo! I was shocked I didn't thing it would arrive today but I'm starting thinking that hunting in the Friend Safari is easier. I don't really like that, I won't continue in this place. Anyway, I had to wait that the woman cleaner leaves to make my video. I didn't attack it, I just tried a Heal Ball to see if the color was great with this shiny but she came into it at the first so I had nothing more to say. xD She's beautiful, I love her color. Some minutes ago I wanted to take the Black version of my sister who gave me because she never played it but I was so deceived because it didn't work, the game was broker I wanted to kill her but whatever I will get this version later to reset starters. Anyway, I will start new research 'cause I don't have a lot because of my pause! 

                               So! Here is the nickname part. So, for Violet, it would seem simple but it's not because I haven't named her Violet because she's violet. No, I named her Violet because I'm a fan of a series which is American Horror Story and in the first season, there are some events during Halloween and I remember pumpkins in some episodes. In the first season, one of the main character is named Violet, I just love this character and as the Pokémon is violet, I've told myself why not ater all! 





Catching Video:

☾SHINY ★7 ➢ Gastly☽

• Pokémon: Gastly.

• Genre: Male ♂.

• Nature: Modest.


• Catching level: 15.

• Place: Forest Manor.

• Random Encounters: 6'186.

• Date: April, 22th in 2016 at 20:42 at Marseilles.

• Version: Pokémon Platinum.

• Console: Nintendo DSi.


• Catching story: I've sarted this research almost a year ago in the Forest Manor of my Platinum Version. When I started the "real" shiny hunting I mean! :) But I wasn't regular at all, I had shiny hunting period and sometimes I was doing only 100 encounters a day. But all these encounters lead me to 5825 encounters in almost a year as I said. I've decided to continue this research yesterday night, when I was waiting for Koh Lanta on TV. I was also hunting Litleo on my Y version that I've started yesterday too, I've met around 600 Pokémon for the moment. I'm hunting it on the sixth generation because I'm obliged to, it's a 6G's Pokémon and it's only available on Pokémon Y. But I hope it won't come now because two shinies in two days it's really abused! xD Anyway, as I said I've continued hunting Gastly yesterday night and after some hundreds of encounters it was in front of my eyes... My consoles didn't have the sound on because my parents would yell at me so it's when I've turned my head to see which Pokémon I had found that I've seen this Gastly had a different color. But I was so shocked that I thought he dd an attack or something! xD It has the same color but its smoke behind it is blue. It's been so long I wanted it, I couldn't believe it was there. I was shaking in front of it, I had a minute without reaction. :') I was so happy and more, Gastly is my first shiny Pokémon on another version as a 6G one! I really prefer hunting on other versions than 6G 'cause they are more complicated to find and the reaction is better. And it's a male! I'm very very satisfied. I still don't know which research I'm gonna do on this version, I don't really wanna reset a legendary because I'm already on Palkia and Lugia on two other versions. So I'm gonna watch on Pokébip to see which Pokémon I love I can find in the grass. :) Gastly will evolue into a Haunter 'cause it's my favorite Pokémon (with Houndoom) but it won't evolue into a Gengar because I'm not fan of its color. 

                              So for the nickname, if you've read my Pumpkaboo's catching story, his nickname is from the same series and the same season so the first one of American Horror Story which is my favorite series ever. I've named my Pumpkaboo as the main character. As Haunter is one of my favorite Pokémon I wanted to name him as my very favorite character, I mean Tate which is another main character of the first season. 





Catching Video:

☾SHINY ★8 ➢ Azurill☽

• Pokémon: Azurill (will evolve into Marill and then Azumarill).

• Genre: Male ♂.

• Nature: Naive.


• Catching level: 7.

• Place: Kalos Route 22.

• Random Encounters: 907.

• Date: April, 24th in 2016 at 21:39 at Marseilles.

• Version: Pokémon Y.

• Console: Nintendo 3DS XL Pokémon Collector Blue.


• Catching story: I've just finished my biggest research ever, Gastly on Platinum I mean, and I've found Pumpkaboo on Y so I didn't have researches on these two versions; I had to find two new. I've decided to hunt Houndour on Platinum as Houndoom is my favorite Pokémon with Haunter I want them on the same version. So I really wanted Litleo and I decided to hunt it on Pokémon Y because it's the only possible way to have it, I went on the Kalos Route 22 because there were also Bunnelby that I love. In case, every Pokémon on this route were on my list, except Azurill that I didn't really want but I didn't really care at the end. So I'm hunting on two consoles, Platinum and Y, and I decide to stop hunting on Y at 900 encounters to continue Platinum in solo. The next day, April, 24th I decide to hunt in double as the day before, more concentrated on Platinum because 6G shinies make me less believer but I'm obliged to hunt some Pokémon on this generation 'cause they're only available on this one. And then, at the seventh encounter of the day, by the corner of the eye I see a green Pokémon and I'm telling myself "shit it's Azurill" but I was still happy 'cause a shiny is a shiny. :) But a bit upset as I guessed. I couldn't believe I'm so lucky, I have a shiny every two days, what is happening! It's a male, for one time I wanted a girl I have a boy. xD As I was watching the film "Eyjafjallahjökull", err the film with Dany Boon... xD I've waited for the publicity and go making my video! Okay, I've looked at him a long time and I think I prefer it shiny. Whatever, I'll stay on this route to find Litleo 'cause I still want it and if I find another Azurill I will keep it as an Azurill to complete the family, it's always interesting. :)

                               I chose to give him the name of a character by Miyazaki because I'm a big fan of his films and I think Azumarill has a morphology which is kinda similar to Totoro. Then I didn't really think about a nickname because I didn't want this Pokémon so yeah! xD





☾SHINY ★9 ➢ Farfetch'd☽

• Pokémon: Farfetch'd.

• Genre: Male ♂.

• Nature: Solo.


• Catching level: 7.

• Place: Kalos Route 22.

• Random Encounters: 2'519.

• Date: May, 8th in 2016 at 17:17 at Marseilles.

• Version: Pokémon Y.

• Console: Nintendo 3DS XL Pokémon Collector Blue.


• Catching story: Some days ago I found Azurill which was an undesirable because I wanted every Pokémon on this route except this one but it doesn't matter because I didn't have it in my collection so I keep it of course. So as I really want Litleo, I've decided to stay on the same route and I've told myself if I find another Azurill it won't evolue and my shiny family will still grow. I've hunted almost everyday, my encounters were fast. I was hunting in double, and sometimes I had three consoles to find Litleo, Houndour and Eeevee which is a new research and I only have 5% to find it but I like it because it's suspenseful and the other Pokémon in this zone are so cute. On the 5th of May, Phirrux has animated a live at 5pm until 8pm so I've watched it of course, it was battles VS his subscribers. xD I was hunting at the same time, I really wanted to find a shiny Pokémon at watching a live from Phirrux. The day after there was another Phirrux live but it was on the new game Yokai Watch and it was so interesting, I'm gonna bug this game soon. May, 7th, another and last live of Phirrux. But I've found nothing unfortunately. On the 8th of May I was on Skype to talk with PetshopSweet which is one of my internet best friend since not a long time, not a year yet and we were talking at oral. She wanted to hunt with me for the first time so I was in solo on my Y version to find Litleo as habbit, I was at 2'300 encounters and she decided to hunt Litleo too. We were talking about Pokémon of course 'cause she's also a fan of this license, that was the first time I was hunting with someone and I was so happy 'cause I love that. It's more motivating hunting with someone than alone but I'm obliged because I don't have close friends who like this activity. Anyway, we were watching shiny videos with Lola (PetshopSweet) and searching some sprite to see how are the shiny Pokémon in the zone we search 'cause she didn't know their color. Then, Lola went to help her mum so I was alone, still hunting and waiting for her to come back. She left for 5 minutes. And it's during these five minutes that a shiny Farfetch'd appeared ! Lola was upset because she didn't hear the stars but she was happy for me and I was happy too, I didn't attack it, I've catched and it's so beautiful! I've made a video but in the video it's more like a normal one than a shiny. :') But it's very like red/orange and not brown at all. I'm happy to have this new shiny in my collection even if it's still not Litleo but I'm staying on the same route still to have Litleo! xD It will come one day, I promise! Hope not to find another Farfetch'd 'cause this Pokémon doesn't have an evolution.

                                  Maybe you know this character which isn't real but it animes concert at Japan, I mean Vocaloid Hatsune Miku. I hope you know her because I love her songs even if she isn't real but Japanese people are crazy and I just love their way! :') So Vocaloid Hatsune Miku has poirots with her and Farfetch'd has one too (plus it's a japanese poirot so what to ask more! xD). But my Pokémon is a male (and I'm happy about this detail) and Hatsune Miku sometimes sing with a boy who's named Kaito. Here is the story of his nickname. :)





Catching Video:

☾SHINY ★10 ➢ Bunnelby☽

• Pokémon: Bunnelby.

• Genre: Female ♀.

• Nature: Naughty.


• Catching level: 5.

• Place: Kalos Route 22.

• Random Encounters: 6'125.

• Date: March, 11th in 2017 at 00:22 at Marseilles.

• Version: Pokémon Y.

• Console: Nintendo 3DS XL Pokémon Collector Blue.


• Catching story: So, I've started this research one year ago, and this Bunnelby is in fact the third indesirable in this search. Right after my shiny Pumpkaboo (which I regret a lot now that I know shiny Pokémon are way easier to find in the Friend Safari...) I wanted a shiny Litleo which I thought was golden but when I've verified its color it's more like a yellowish color so I was a bit disappointed but still, it's cute. So I've started hunting Litleo on the route 22. I had already started this research some times ago but I wasn't hunting a lot at this moment and I've changed of targets a lot. But this time I was so motivated! It would be my very first 6G shiny Pokémon and Litleo is one of my favorite Pokémon because of Newtiteuf's let's play on Pokémon XY. I've stopped this research for a moment after because I was so motivated to find a shiny on an older version of 6G so I was searching for Gastly on my Platinum version, Gastly that I found in April, 22th in 2016. Then, back to Litleo it was my only research because I really wanted to find it. The two Pokemon I didn't really want on this route were Azurill and Farfetch'd. But destiny messed around with me and I've found Azurill at only 907 encounters. I didn't really react but finally it's not that bad, I like my little Totoro. Plus he came two days after Gastly so why not. After this, I've continued hunting on the same route, if I find another Azurill it won't evolve. I was getting a bit rid of this route, I wanted some changes; like adding a new research on another version. So I've started another research on my Platinum version for Houndour. I was hunting pretty like every day in front of emissions or films. In the beginning of May, Phirrux has animed some lives on Youtube and I was so hoping to find a shiny during one of them but unfortunately nothing appeared. Then it was on the 8th of May, I was skyping with a friend called Lola and we were hunting Litleo together. But this is during the five minutes she was gone helping her mum that shiny Farfetch'd decided to come. It wasn't Litleo again but well that's a shiny less to hunt later. Now I was really stressed because Farfetch'd doesn't evolve and I didn't want another one. But still, it's been so long I'm here and I can't change routes! Litleo will come one day I'm sure. But then, no more shinies for more than a year. That wasn't a motivation question but let's say I had more important things to do than hunting. I was hunting shinies very irregularely in front of videos, films or emissions sometimes. In the meantime I had started reseting Lugia on my new Soulsilver version (I've stopped this research for the moment because my team isn't strong enough to face Lugia and I don't wanna lose a legendary shiny). Houndour was my main hunt since Houndoom is my favorite Pokémon so far. Anyway, here is a week I've started hunting shinies again, I hunt like every single day, and I'm motivated... for the moment. Most of the time I was skyping with Lola or my boyfriend or even before sleeping. I really think hunting before sleeping is really relaxing by the way. Usually when I hunt, I only hear the sound of my DS but I don't really look at the screen because I do something else at the same moment but Staravia's sound are so like shiny stars. I was very motivated to find another shiny on an older version of 6G again. Yesterday, I saw that I had around 6'000 encounters on the route 22 for Litleo and I told myself it would be cool to continue a bit this hunt. So here it is. I didn't meet a lot of Pokémon. Around a hundred before eating, then a bit of Minecraft with my boyfriend, and finally I go to bed to hunt again, while reading PikiwaiiSH's blog that I had almost finished. I was very tired but I really wanted to finish this blog before sleeping, it was motivating me, and then, the 25th encounter of the night, I briefly hear the stars. I slowly move my head in direction of the DS but I didn't react out loud because of the hour and because I didn't notice it immediately, definitely because I was tired. After a couple of seconds I've finally noticed this Bunnelby in front of me and "yelled" something like "OOOH" but not out loud of course. BUT STILL it's not Litleo. Well, I was very very happy on the moment and completely forgot Litleo, then I've stopped reading this blog to end it the next day. So, I've left my DS by my side and I've finally fallen asleep. When I've woken up I've thought about the shiny and I wasn't disappointed at all it wasn't Litleo because I wanted to hunt Bunnelby later. I had a nickname for this one. But during the capture of this Bunnelby I've noticed it was a female; small deception. I've caught her at noon because I was skyping with my boyfriend and I was waiting for him to go to eat. And then, critical catch! My first one, I was happy. So now that I have this Bunnelby I still stay on this route for Litleo (yeah that's important). But for the moment I'm focused on Rockruff on my Moon version and still Houndour on Platinum!

                             If this cute bunny would have been a male I would have named him PanPan (original, I know.) from Bambie. Unfortunately this shiny is a female so I haven't thought a lot about the nickname : Miss Bunny, PanPan's girlfriend. I'm so happy about this shiny!




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